Zaujímaš sa o pracovné pozície týkajúce sa Pythonu? Pozri si pozície ponúkané našimi sponzormi.
Máš rád výzvy? Ako Cloud DevOps špecialista budeš zodpovedný za implementáciu cloudových riešení a IT infraštruktúry na celom svete. Nenechaj si ujsť medzinárodný projekt pre lídra na trhu v oblasti inteligentných budov.
BA/OFFSITE ǀ 12-36 mesiacov
Hľadáme Automatizačného testera na medzinárodný freelance projekt pre lídra na trhu v oblasti ineligentných budov. Ukáž svoje schopnosti od definovania testovacej stratégie až po report výsledkov.
BA/OFFSITE ǀ 12-36 mesiacov
Využi svoje #Python skúsenosti na freelance projekte ako Site Reliability inžinier. Pri automatizácii systémov budeš zodpovedať za tvorbu, udržiavanie a zlepšovanie infraštruktúry podľa SRE princípov.
OFFSITE ǀ 6 mesiacov
Vyznáš sa v dátach a Python máš v malíčku? Hľadáme dátového inžiniera na dlhodobý
OFFSITE projekt. Zodpovedať budeš za zefektívnenie procesov spracovania dát v
poisťovacom sektore.
OFFSITE/Bratislava ǀ 12 mesiacov
Si C++ programátor s #Python skúsenosťami? Hľadáme freelancera na dlhodobý projekt dizajnovania mikroprocesorov, ktorý bude súčasťou vývoja a zlepšovania unikátnych svetových produktov.
OFFSITE/Brno/Praha ǀ 12 mesiacov
Robíš web v #python, #Django, #FastAPI, ..? Rád učís stroje myslieť a dávať dátam zmysel? Chceš pracovať na zmysluplných projektoch a témach s najnovšími technológiami a príjemným kolektívom? Tak sa pridaj k nám do Exxety! Tešíme sa na Teba.
HYBRID | COWORK | TPP/dohoda | nástup možný od 1.10.2022
Join our Data Pipeline team and help us develop a data pipeline processing a large amount of data reliably and at a high rate using Python, Go, MongoDB and many more.
Bratislava, Brno/Remote
Help us develop and maintain our Campaign module in Python or Go. Your work will impact hundreds of millions of customers in the online space.
Bratislava, Brno/Remote
We are looking for a frontend developer who would like to build a large- scale & fast evolving app using Angular & TypeScript.
Bratislava, Brno/Remote
Become a member of our Platform Team, whose goal is to identify and implement opportunities to achieve a robust, reliable and efficient infrastructure and development platform.
Bratislava, Brno/Remote
Our team is passionate about up-to-date technologies and is striving to build a world-class product. We’re looking for a motivated developer who will own the architecture and development of an end-to-end solution to one of our technical projects.
Bratislava, Slovakia (remote) ǀ Internship (part-time) | Candidates pursuing Bachelors/ Masters in Computer Science or Engineering or related field
You will Improve Swiss Re´s cyber defence environment, engage in full-stack development to deliver high-quality components, primarily using Python and associated frameworks.
Proficient in Python, Experience with CI/CD pipelines, Microsoft Azure preferred.
You will build secure, cloud-native apps that amaze customers using design thinking techniques to find creative solutions to tackle their problem. You embrace the DevSecOps culture, automate everything and enable continuous delivery of high-quality software, delivering valuable features at a very fast pace!
Full-stack Developer, .Net , TypeScript , CNCF
You will be solving hard data integration challenges within Swiss Re's very large IT systems landscape by building solutions with modern data platforms technology Azure cloud, Palantir Foundry, Exadata, Informatica. You'll be exposed to groundbreaking IT solutions that are available only in a few companies.
SQL, Pl/SQL, Java, Python (advantage), Pyspark (advantage)
We're looking for a developer who gets excited about turning ideas into clean and clear code, thrives on iterative development cycles and enjoys collaborating with others in the team.
BA | Full-time
Sufio is looking for a diligent Software Tester to pilot new and current features before we release them to our widespread user base.
BA | Full-time
Design, develop, integrate and deploy high-quality software aligned with user needs and business goals – finding a balance between business needs and technical excellence.
Bratislava, Full-time
We are looking for a Senior Backend Python Developer to participate in the development of our internal core/modules services targeted primarily at the Customer Support (CS) department and should help with the daily work of our agents.
Brno/Bratislava/Remote, Full-time
We are developing services and applications that are directly related to finances, highly available and with little to no room for errors: payment gateways communication and negotiation, fraud detection and ways to minimize fraud risk, invoicing and reconciliation, tools for claims and finance departments
Brno/Bratislava/Remote, Full-time
Are you interested in building models using distributed energy resources to simulate energy flexibility on customer energy portfolios? You could become a part of a Modeling team at the MAKERS team and help our customer to build such a solution.
REMOTE/Hybrid TPP/Contract
Build a truly self-service application for business users so they can work with data even without learning SQL or needing assistance from more technically-skilled colleagues. We are democratizing access to data and making it available for anyone within an organization who needs it.
Build a truly self-service application for business users so they can work with data even without learning SQL or needing assistance from more technically-skilled colleagues. We are democratizing access to data and making it available for anyone within an organization who needs it.
Build a truly self-service application for business users so they can work with data even without learning SQL or needing assistance from more technically-skilled colleagues. We are democratizing access to data and making it available for anyone within an organization who needs it.
Join our growing Internal Development Platform team as a DevOps Engineer and help us bring our platform to the cloud, provide our developers with CI/CD pipelines, and truly propagate DevOps and SRE mindset.
Chcete pracovať s inovatívnymi technológiami a presadiť sa vo svete open source? Zaregistrujte sa do komunity talentov spoločnosti Red Hat a získavajte informácie o našich najnovších vývojárskych pozíciach.
Brno, Česká Republika | Remote EMEA